Thursday, February 3, 2011

Church vs. State

I can't remember if I blogged about this when it happened....but I found the post-it note that I wrote to remind myself, so here goes. If it's already blogged, here it is again!

In class, we use a class points system. But, the points they earn are letters which spell a vocabulary word each day. The kids love to guess the word as the points come, which provides some great practice of core curriculum a very motivated setting!

One day the word was "repeated addition".

They had earned three points, so the board said, "REP"

One boy jumped from his chair and yelled, "REPENTANCE!"


I said, "Are we in church or school?"

"Oh....yeah....probably not repentance then....." and quietly sat back down!


  1. Oh my! That might be my favorite one yet!

  2. So funny! What a great way to gently say, "Nope!" I would love to be a fly on the wall in your classroom one day!

  3. Wow, I am DYING to know who it was! :-)

  4. What a smart kid. I would have thought reptile
