Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pale as a Ghost

11:00 A.M., getting ready for church.

Me: "Shoot husband, I put my black nylons on this morning and they have a giant run in them."

Husband, looking at my nylon-less legs: "That's ok, we'll just tell everyone you're wearing white tights."

I'm going tanning.


  1. don't worry, i bet i would win in a "who is whiter" contest.

    And no, we haven't sold our inauguration tickets yet. If we can't get at least $100 for each of them then I kind of want to go. We'll see.

  2. that made me laugh out loud this morning as I am feeding the chitlins breakfast! Good way to start the morning!

  3. Who wears nylons? Oh I guess that it is cold there. Well I think that I would be able to rival you in that area. It was nice of R.J. to lend you his advice. What a crack up.
