Friday, January 9, 2009

Kid Quips

Today was one of those days at school that I hope the kids remember about 3rd grade for years to come. We were working on travel brochures for an island in Iceland and the kids just got SO into it. We started making posters to display our brochures on, and they got so creative...some groups were even doing 3-d stuff!

Anyway...a couple funny stories as well, which always make for a good day!

One student: "Oh good, I'm finally growing hair....teacher, look, I'm getting hair in my ears. They are just like coming out, and I don't want to have those big long gray hairs coming out you know? So, I just pull them out when I see them..."

Yes, that was seriously all said in one long string! He was waiting for me to refill the stapler...As soon as I handed it to him, he just said, "Thanks!" And the ear-hair talk was over. Whew.
Then, another girl came up later this afternoon, "Teacher, guess what? Some of my friends babysat my bunny when I was out of town, and guess what happened?! It got out, and snuck into another bunny's cage. It got married with another bunny, and now there are baby bunnies everywhere!" Got it!

And last, "Teacher, you should get Mr. Cox to give our class points in the contest since he's your husband!' I said, "I don't think he'll give me points, but he gave me a diamond!" Student, "Is it real?" Sure hope so. Although he does like those quarter machines at KMart....hum...


  1. Katie -- you are hilarious, you must be the best teacher ever!! I'm so happy I found your blog!!

  2. Blast Katie,
    I am a slacker for a few days and I feel like I am so behind on everything that you are doing.

    I love the things that you get to hear about all the time....ear hair? Where do they get this stuff. It is so funny.
