Saturday, March 6, 2010

For Kami...Version 2

Will loves loves loves his bath fish toys.
And I bet you love love love this post better
than the athletic socks/cute shoes combo post.


  1. I love all of Will's pics you post! I can't believe how much he's grown since the last time I was down there. I will be coming down again on April 23rd weekend (Sara Kami and crew will also be in town) so make sure you and Will are accesible the whole weekend. :-)

  2. Ummmm I like the post of my hot socks and shoes :-) I just have to wear white socks.....I like that look. But I am with Amy...I love all the pictures you post of Will and I am glad he loves the fish toys I gave him for Christmas. He needs to learn how to use the net and catch the fish.
