Monday, March 29, 2010

Birthday F-U-N!

Sunday was my birthday, so we celebrated all weekend! So fun!

Saturday we slept in late and had a lazy morning...then went to the Fun Park with Liz and Josh. Let's just say I'll abandon my dreams on a pro bowling career and stick to teaching. We enjoyed some intense air hockey, (fake) pop-a-shot, and tickets galore!

I got to pick where I wanted to eat...Village Inn! I'm so classy, I know. Ha...LOVE their tuna melts and Oreo shakes. Seriously could eat that meal daily...there's at least a pack of Oreos in there!

I even got a gift card to Spoon Me
from Liz and Josh...yum!

Will and I got a super sweet prize!

Look at all those tickets!

RJ had some pretty rough competition on both sides...

On Sunday I was treated to a special pancake breakfast from RJ...they were delicious!
Later we went to RJ's parents' house to eat....we were just hanging out when the doorbell rang. In walked my parents, brother, and his gf Alex. It was such a fun surprise...I totally didn't expect it since it's such a far drive and they had already called to wish me a happy bday.

We were all very tired after such a fun weekend!
It was a great day...on to year 27!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Me too too.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Remember how I got baptized?
That was are some pics....

Which reminds me....Will got blessed a little while ago, wish I had some pictures. But that was when my hard drive crashed, and thus....those are gone. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll put him in his blessing outfit and stage the event. His outfit is so's the same outfit RJ wore to be blessed.

Speaking of...I think it's kinda neat that Will was blessed on the same day that RJ's older brother was born many years ago. And...I think it's interesting that we found out I was pregnant on the same day that brother passed away 30 + years ago. Strange how life works. Maybe that brother had a hand in getting our sweet Will here to us safe and sound.

Our friends Leila and Landon came up from SLC.

My mom and dad.

Some friends I grew up with- Lynnsi and Debbie.
They came all the way from Arizona and Salt Lake!

All the parents...

Greg making weird faces....

...and Morgan making a weird face!

I was so overwhelmed by all the love and support.
So many dear friends from all aspects of my life-growing up, college, work, etc.
came to support the big day and it meant a lot.

Crib Sleeper

Will is totally sleeping well in his crib! So relieved to make the transition well. He still wakes up to eat, but is very good at putting himself back to sleep...This should help his head and his (and our!) sleeping schedule! I keep finding myself thinking he's a pretty easy baby (knock on wood)...he's always been pretty agreeable to anything, will eat anything, will use a bottle or nurse, even his new teeth don't bug him much. So far so good...soon we'll try to phase out the middle of the night feeding...that might be a different story!

There's an App. for that...

Even Will loves the new iPhone...

(uh oh)

Bejeweled is his fave game...
Look at him clicking on those jewels!

He Might Sweat...

So we got out the sweat band...
soon to be paired with the D.Will jersey...


Will's getting TWO TEETH!!!
He's been drooling for a few months now,
and chomping on anything in sight.
And then...We discovered a tooth on March 6,
soon followed by the second.
He hasn't been too miserable so far.

He likes his teething toys in his
high chair so he can easily get them again
when they fall (which happens a lot!)

Loves to gnaw on his frozen teething toys...
and his feet are the new teething toy of choice!
And if he can get his socks off,
he's extra proud!

Loves the Jumper

Will got a new exersaucer...
he's not so sure about it so far,
we think because he can't touch the floor...
But he does enjoy the lights and music!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


FTM = First Time Mom, a common acronym on Babycenter, a site I frequent.

And today I felt like one for sure! Actually, add a "D" in front for dumb!

So at Will's last visit, his pediatrician referred him for physical therapy because he was a little concerned about his neck muscles and head shape. He seemed to favor one side, and his head had a tiny flat spot. was the big day.

The occupational therapist was great, asking all kinds of questions and playing with Will while measuring his head and neck. She asked about how much time he spends daily in his bouncer/swing/exersaucer, etc. I guessed maybe an hour or two total. We kept chatting and she asked about how his sleeping schedule is. I mentioned something about how he likes to sleep in his swing. "Wait...what?"

Ooops. Who knew that if he slept in his swing nightly his head would be just a tad misshapen? Well...not me. Turn that 1-2 hours estimation to 9-10. Ooops. She was very kind and didn't make me feel like an idiot (I did enough of that to myself) as she explained that that's what this was likely from. Honestly, it didn't even occur to me....he just has always slept so well in it that we just relied on it. He could take 15-20 min to put himself to sleep in his crib, or 10 seconds in his swing. Easy choice. my defense, I asked the pediatrician if it was ok for him to sleep in it and he said yes...although, looking back maybe I didn't clarify that I meant nightly.

Anyway, felt super lame. And immediately called RJ, then my mom (the order around here when things are super good or super oops).... then disassembled the beloved swing. And put sheets on the crib.

So....(tear) tonight's the big first night in his own room, in his own crib! Of course I got myself all psyched up and made sure he was fed, diapered, orajel-ed and Tylenol-ed (2 teeth are in!) that I'd have no reason to think he wasn't ok as we prepared for some crying.

And then....


The kid went right to sleep! Whew! It's only been at hour, so we'll hope for the best. I'm totally fine with getting up to feed him still. We'll phase that part out later...the room transition more than 3 feet away from me is hard enough on, me. Is it selfish that I kinda secretly like when he wakes up in the early morning hours? It's like our own time before I head out for the craziness that is 26 third graders and he gets dad all to himself. The house is just silent and calm and we can just cuddle and coo.

Anyway....Will's head/neck issue should be resolved in 3 weeks with the exercises we were taught...and with the swing packed up in the garage. Let's hope we don't get desperate and put the poor kid swinging out in the garage...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

...and AGAIN....

"I went grocery shopping today."

"Oh yeah, how'd it go?"

"You have to go from now on. I spent way too much.
We have lots of chips though."

Oh good! Chips for every meal!

Mr. Mom Strikes Yet Again...

Got this email at work the other day:

"Will is so grumpy today.
Just to get him to take a nap
I had to move his swing in front of the tv.

Uh oh...

Teaching him well...

Look at him....just wanting that Diet Coke already!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A bit of clarification...

"Teacher, I can't read this word..."

So we "chunk" the word, mark the vowels...and discover the word is


Student: "Oh, casserole!"

Me: "Yes! Do you know what that means?"

Student: "Yep!"

Walks away... "I hate those kind of rolls!"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mr. Mom Strikes Again

RJ texted me at lunch today and said he and Will were "very busy"...and if you know my husband, you know that can mean many things. As in...busy productive, as in busy-went-crazy-organizing, as in started a HUGE project...

I wish I had a before picture of the mess of our pantry (but who takes pictures of their messy pantry...that's why it has a door, to hide it!). I came home to find that it had been cleaned out and organized...which is definitely not a project I would have liked to take on.

P.S. My fave feature is how the labels are all facing the same way! (nerdy, I know)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Customer Service

So I was in Seagull Book the other day (I go there now...I'm Mormon now, remember? Actually, I was getting my quad scripture set that my parents gave me engraved...and holy cow, mom and were so generous. Spotted the price on those...whew!)...and there was a sweet older couple in front of me. They were asking if the store had something in stock (never did hear what it was, but did overhear that it was $2.79, so it couldn't have been something TOO huge.)

Anyway, the girl working there checked the store...and every other store in Utah. It was determined that the only store that carried it was in Salt Lake. She asked if they ever went down there...they said no, not often. She then said, "I go down a lot. In fact, I'm going down this weekend and would be happy to pick it up for you." They were so surprised. The man said, "You'd do that?! For us?" They finished their plans and left.

I just thought it was so sweet of her to offer personal pick-up service. Obviously she didn't have to, wouldn't be paid any extra, and was really going out of her way. Especially thinking of the impersonal service that is sometimes given at stores (Brianna if you're reading this...thinking of your UPS Store example!), I was impressed.

Friday, March 12, 2010

For the next 740 days...

We owe our souls to Steve Jobs.

Jumped on the iphone bandwagon. I'll be the first to admit, I totally thought they were trendy and overrated when they first came. I thought all I needed was a PHONE. As in, to call people. Ok, and maybe texts too. But none of those find-the-cheapest-gas, buy-my-groceries, cook-my-dinner, take-off-five-pounds, go-to-work-for-me apps.

Then I got an itouch. Wow. It does everything...and I loved it. I spent hours. I forgot it at school one day, and nearly went back to get at 11 that night when I realized. Once I realized it was a pain to carry my itouch and my phone, we made the switch. And are loving it.

SO....App recommendations?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

For Kami...Version 2

Will loves loves loves his bath fish toys.
And I bet you love love love this post better
than the athletic socks/cute shoes combo post.