Sunday, August 23, 2009


The countdown is on!

For two starts day after tomorrow! Ah, I can't believe it! And in other news, see that little "ticker" thing to the right-----> only 8 more weeks until baby, give or take. That means by weeks I'm 8 months prego! really has gone fast! Speaking of, all you moms out there, when someone asked how far along you are, did you go by in, "8 months" because 32 divided by 4 is 8, or by months, as in "7 months" because I'm due in October....insight?

The only reason I'm sad summer is ending is because I was really looking forward to one last lazy day at the pool with the essential coke, ipod, magazine. But alas, it's pouring outside. As RJ said, "You know, this rain is symbolic. It shows the death of summer for all the kids...and you." Blah. Good news is that The Sandlot is on right now...that's a good way to spend the afternoon.

But, I really am excited for school. This time of year totally reminds me of You've Got Mail when Meg Ryan says she loves the smell of freshly sharpened pencils in the fall. I LOVE school supplies and organizing my room. Like really. As in, when I was I think 7 my wish list for my birthday consisted of paper clips, a stapler, highlighters, post-its....seriously. And I was ecstatic when that's exactly what I got! And I still get super excited to go buy supplies...then excited all over again when I get to use them. Ah...a new pen!

Here's to a new school year!
And a new baby too!
Big year ahead!


  1. Wow! Exciting! I always went by weeks (and I still do!)

  2. I love that you're a geek about school supplies! I also go by weeks, especially if your talking to women who've had babies. Maybe if you're talking to a guy you should put it in months or tell them when your due, but are they really going to remember that detail anyway?

  3. let the count down begin. this is so exciting!

  4. And you will always know where to find a pen....hehehe
