Saturday, April 25, 2009

We eat at home now!

So...a little background as to what prompted my economic stimulus....RJ printed off a month of our bank statement. And proceeded to do something very dangerous...added up how much we spent on eating out.

Ready for this?! $600. In one month. EW.

Thus, a new budget and new goals were made. Total since then: $20 eating out! Woohoo!


  1. It's scary to see the eating out bills sometimes. We have cut our eating out waaaay back. It's a little easier since cooking at home helps with the weight loss. I have a friend who did her budget and she and her boyfriend spent $1900 a month on eating out! I think i'd cry if it ever got that bad!

  2. oh my word! haha, we're totally in the same boat as you. we eat out WAY too much! way to go setting a budget- what an inspiration!

  3. We used to eat out a lot too and then our kids got older and stopped wanting to share our food and wanting their own meals and it got more expensive. So now we allow ourselves to eat out one time a week and it has worked really well and it has become a relaxing treat to ourselves. Good luck!

  4. This is so true!! We're currently at once a week, which works out well -- we spend $15 on Chili's take out every Friday...but then we go to lunch on Saturday sometimes -- and if I go to Starbucks...ack!!

  5. Hey Katie,

    I was just checking up on your blog and I have a tip for the morning sickness! This comes from my sister in law Alison who had pretty yucky morning, well all day, sickness and this was the only thing that worked for her. She used those bands you put on your wrists for motion sickness (they sell them at Motherhood Maternity). I have also heard that the suckers they have at Motherhood work. And last but not least a tip from Dr. Noorda...ginger tablets, you get those at the GNC and you take them every 4 hours. Good luck!!

  6. alright so James and I also go back and forth between scaling back in the eating out department to, way too much. When we lived in Logan I think that we ate out at least 3-4 times a week! That was in Logan! Then when we moved to Texas there are a million times more places to eat at it got to be a little nuts.

    Now that we have to take the kiddos with us and they make a big mess we don't go out to sit down places that much, but we do still love to go out to eat. So I am really proud of you that you made such a giant reduction in your budget!! Hooray for you!
