Friday, July 15, 2011

Pool Gems

Ah...the pool. Prime people watching. Really, not even sure why I brought my book.

Some gems:
•the grandma and grandpa sitting by the front gate, in the shade. So wish I could have slyly taken a picture. Bless their hearts, they may have been GREAT grandparents....or great, great! Hats, tube socks with Velcro shoes and shorts, him sitting on his walker. So sweet.

• the group of six gals next to me....along with the group of six guys behind them.

Girl: "Hey! How old are you?"

Boy: "14....almost old are you?"

Girl: "16....almost 17, well...actually 17 (right...). I'm not interested or anything...." (right...)

Said boys and girls have now joined forces. Ah, high school. Good times. I feel so old!

...and are now trying to talk each other into jumping into the closed-for-cleaning pool....naked!

• fave....the two boys standing on the side, cheering their grandma on as she jumped off the high dive! She did it, rolled herself from the pool to cement (the lifeguard's face was priceless), amid the grandsons' high-fives and thumbs-ups!

And? And! I got a lounge chair today!

Ah, I love summer....

Update: no naked pool jumping, the girl who was about to jump in (with her suit) for FORTY bucks chickened out.

Ha, now one of the boys is sitting between two girls as they pick his peeling chest.

Why do I find this all so funny?!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Oh, that is all just priceless. I think you guys should have your next book club there!

  2. Sharon = brilliant! And, conveniently, it IS my month to pick. What better place than the pool to discuss Jemima J?! And to eat? Nachos, hot dogs, soda, and other healthy items...kinda ironic for the book pic, no?

  3. People watching at this pool is priceless! They could sell tickets! I'm just glad I have your blog showing up in my google reader to give me updates!
