Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm in one of those pensive moods friend texted me this morning, telling me that she thought a college friend's husband passed away based on some comments on her Facebook wall. A quick click on her Facebook page confirmed it.

It just totally freaks me out how fast life can change. This couple is maybe 25-ish, totally outdoorsy, active. It appears he died in some kind of outdoorish accident. Which admittedly can be dangerous, but holy cow, walking can be dangerous.

It scares me...none of us can know what life has in store. I bet week ago, the wife could not even fathom that in a week she'd be planning her husband's funeral. Or contemplating, now what? Don't we all assume that our adult children will be planning our funerals, long after we've raised a family, led a successful career, lived a good life. All the what-ifs get me...what if this guy had changed his plans that day? What if he got a cold and didn't go? What if his wife had a bad feeling about this trip and urged him to stay home? Maybe they had weekend plans...spring break plans...summer plans....starting a family plans. What was the last text message he sent her, and her to him? What was the last thing he said? all just scares me.

Life changes so fast. Yet we can't all live thinking we might pass on at any moment. Oh my gosh, I'd never leave my house. But yet in a way, we have to live like that...boggles my mind.


  1. Oh, man, Katie. I'm so sorry. I'm right there with you!

  2. It's just a reminder that life is precious, to treat our family and friends kindly, and to be careful. You're right, though, the lurking dangers freak me out, too!

  3. I think about this all the time, which, I probably shouldn't. Life is fragile! Its scary to think that! No matter what you do to be careful you can't control everything (which I'd like to do, control everything.) Anyway, my words are probably not comforting at all, sorry! But, we can only live each day the best we can. Hold our kids (or kid) tight, kiss our loved ones and live our lives. Take care ok?? XOXO

  4. Oh Katie, I'm glad you posted about this, as sad as it is, because just a few weeks ago the same thing happened to me. A friend of mine lost her husband and she had 5 kids and the next several weeks I thought about everything you thought about every single day and I should have just typed it up and gotten it out there so I could feel a bit of peace again. It's so hard to see a life cut short for any reason. The comfort I felt finally came from just realizing that God won't give us (or take away) anything or anybody we can't handle, and that he is ultimately in charge. It sure doesn't mean it's going to be easy though. Thank Heaven for that.

  5. that is so sad :( I totally agree with you... life is too short. we never know.
