Sunday, June 29, 2008

Customer of the day....

Me: "Hi sir, what can I get for you to drink?"

Customer: "Hi! I'd like an iced tea, and I'm ready for that right now."

Me: "Great! I'll go grab that!"

But what I'm actually thinking: "Shoot, you ordered your drink from your server and expected me to really actually get it right now?! I was thinking I'd get it for you at the END of your meal instead....or maybe after I hang out for ten minutes first? Or maybe after you eat your complete meal? How about after you pay, then I'll just put it in a to-go cup and hand it to you on the way out the door?"

Seriously, when you order a drink as you sit down, isn't it pretty basic procedure that your server will assume you'd like that now and go get it? Hum....we do work for tips and all....


  1. Oh I love people and their random unpleasantness to those around them. I love your thought process though.

    You crack me up. I hope that you don't mind that I leave a comment or two. I feel like I should let you know that I popped in to see what you are up to.

  2. Yeah we work for tips because um HELLO Utah sucks and refuses to pay servers minimum wage PLUS tips. Dumb.
