Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Details, Details...

3 kids came back from a class they go to in the afternoon...

'Teacher!!! She was running in the hall!"
...Pointing to another student.

Me: "Were you running in the hall?"

Student: "No!"

Accusing student: "Yes you were!"

Student: "No I was not....I was skipping."

Oh that makes it ok...

Which reminded me of last year when a student came up, totally grossed out and said, "Teacher, he burped in my face." I called the student over..."Did you burp in his face?" He, of course, totally denied it.

The other student kept insisting it happened.

The one doing the accusing was normally a very honest child,
so I had a hard time believing he had just made this up.

Neither side was relenting.

So, I said... "OK...did you burp?"


"Show me where your face was when you burped."

He then puts his face right up next to the ear of the other student....
"I wasn't in his face, I was right next to it. "

Again, so that makes it ok...

1 comment:

  1. Kids are SO particular when other kids do something wrong. :) I just love their honesty though...
