Sunday, January 31, 2010


Can't really remember what I ever posted about B.W. (Before Will)....

No ideas for a new post that doesn't involve more pics of him...


  1. That's ok! All of mine are of Carter.....and soon they will be of Avery! We love seeing Will:)

  2. I love to see pictures of Will also. He's so stinkin' cute! But I'll give you a little reminder of what you used to post about: students in your class, cute and/or funny things RJ does, The Bachelor, your mom. Those are just a few. As fabulous and life-consuming it is to be a mom I think it's important we try to maintain thoughts that are our own and to pursue our interests. This was hard for me after Blake was born. I was consumed with being a mom and hardly had an independent thought that didn't involve my kids. I still have a problem in not losing myself. Although we will never ever be the same person we were before we had kids I think it's important to hold onto the things that we really liked about ourselves before the babies came. I'm sorry if I'm sounding preachy-like or that I'm some expert because I'm not. It's just something I would have liked to hear another mom say to me.
