Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yesterday RJ and I were driving through the canyon from a fun day in Salt Lake (great stuff at IKEA, lunch with family, a fixed tooth)...

Me: "So, I was thinking, we should.........blah blah blah." (Honestly, I can't remember what I was telling him, but it was fairly important and detailed...)

Him: long pause

Me: "Husband?"

Him: "Oh, sorry, what? I was thinking about how quickly I could reach my camera if we saw Big Foot in the canyon..."



  1. I think that men will always be part little kid.

  2. Hey thank you so much for the advice!! I checked out both babycenter (totally AWESOME!..I was on there way too long!) and the obsessive shopper which totally inspired me to buy a sunday newspaper! I am a changed woman. :)ha ha so how's your preggo belly??

  3. I'm totally laughing out loud right now and can't stop.

  4. oh my... so funny! you sure have a keeper!!

  5. That's awesome! Brianna's sister actually swore that she saw Big Foot over the weekend up in Park City! Weird with all this Big Foot talk :)
