Monday, September 29, 2008

You're it!

I was TAGGED! Here goes...

3 Joys
- Diet Coke, Starbuck's White Mochas, anything pumpkin spice....(wait a second, those are all I'm adding a fourth), Dizzy greeting me at the door...oh and cuddling up having late-night chats with RJ before bed.

3 Fears
- Something happening to my dear RJ, not being able to have kids, not saving money in case of emergency.

3 Irritations- Bad grammar, people who treat me like a server (yes, I know, I am a server...that doesn't mean you get to be bossy and mean about being bossy!), the word "hun" in general!

3 Facts
- I genuinely like my job, I love a good girly chick flick, I wish I was a runner.

I tag....Hum...Melanie and Sarah.


  1. I liked reading your fun facts, and I have to say that I am pretty sure that my list would probably be full of food items as well.

    You wish you were a runner huh? I never knew that, well save your knees because pretty sure that it is not all that it is cracked up to be.

    Also on the oreo costume, that is a crack up, and I will be waiting for some pictures of whatever you do choose.

  2. I LOVE pumpkin spice fill-in-the-blank too!! I even had a pumpkin jamba once and of course I loved it.

  3. I was TAGGED! Here goes...

    3 Joys- Diet Coke, the fall and running.

    3 Fears- big whales attacking me... or even just swimming by me at all, or in the distance really.

    3 Irritations- People that chew gum with their mouth open, BYU and close minded people. Wait, does that fit into the BYU category? haha.

    3 Facts- I love cheese, I have 8 fake teeth, and I like the Red Sox.

    Hope you're feeling better!
