Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ah...freshly sharpened pencils....

It's that time....BACK TO SCHOOL! We start school tomorrow, but the middle school started today. As I drove to work today I saw kids waiting at the bus stop, and I laughed out loud when I spotted the crease marks in their clothes and brand new backpacks....it brought back memories of those days of school shopping...laying ALL the new clothes out around my room....matching outfits...even writing down potential outfits...carefully choosing "The First Day Outfit"...getting my backpack carefully packed, a pocket for everything....ah! I have to admit, since I'm a teacher, not all of that has gone away. I still secretly think about my first day outfit. And tomorrow's the big day!


  1. This brings back memories for me, too. I love it. Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Where did the summer go? I can't believe that everyone is back to school already. The kids here start next Tuesday. I am sure that they all have their outfits picked out and ready to go too.

    Have fun tomorrow. I am sure that you will have chosen the perfect outfit to wear.

  3. Good luck on your first day! We really should talk soon ;)
