Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Some recent student funnies:

Sitting at reading groups, one boy gets THAT look (a mix of perplexed and pensive)....

"Teacher? Where did you come from?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

"Where did you get borned?"

Me: "Oh, I was born in Salt Lake City..."

"Oh, ok." Continues working.


A student had to come to class during recess to do an assignment he hadn't done. It had been up on the board EVERYDAY during reading groups the week it was due.

Him: "No one told me I had to do that."

Me: "Oh, it's been on the board in bright red all week."

Him: "I know, but I thought everyone did it except for me."

Me: "Hum....why would you think that?"

Him: "I don't know. But still, no one even told me to do it."

Me: "When it's up on the board to do, that's me telling you to do it."

Him: "OHHH!"
(As if this JUST clicked!)

"Teacher, I had a silly band that said 'I love Justin Bieber!'. But don't worry, I gave it to my cousin in first grade."

Me: "Oh, does he like Justin Bieber?"

"No, but I didn't tell him what it says and he can't read yet!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. That "no one told me to do it" strikes to close to home for it to be funny...That is the daily battle cry of my 13 yo.

    That last one, though, killed me!

  2. Hilarious! I especially love the last one!!
