Saturday, November 15, 2008

Third Grade Science

So, we've been learning about the moon at school. The other day I was reading a moon book in my guided reading group, and they were filling out a sheet about what they discovered. One little guy still had a blank space on "What question do you still have?"

Me: "Oh, it looks like you still need to write a question."

Confident Student: "Oh I don't have any questions about the moon."

Me: "Ok. Do you know how the moon was formed?"

Him: "Yes."

Me: "Oh,"

Him (TOTALLY SERIOUS): "Well, you know how astronauts have to go up in space for a long time? Well when they're there they have to use the bathroom sometimes. The spaceship doesn't have a regular bathroom. It just has like a hole in the side. When an astronaut has to go, he just sits by the hole. The air is so strong outside that it immediately rips a hole in his spacesuit. Then he can just go to the bathroom."

Me (somewhat confused about where this is going...): " is the moon formed?"

Him: "Well, when he goes to the bathroom it just goes right out into space. When it's out there, it gathers rocks and meteors too, and it made a giant ball...and that's the moon."

I was trying so hard not to laugh, because he thought this was exactly right. The little girl next to him was going red in the face from trying not to laugh, and when I looked at her we just both burst out laughing. She said, " think that the moon was made out of some man's potty?!"
He answered, "'s true, I saw it in a movie..."

Seriously! I think we'll do a little reteaching about the moon....


  1. oh that is fabulous! these kids need to be watching more educational television! i miss your face!

  2. I wonder what he was watching to form that entire theory. That is a really funny thing to have a student come up with.

    I wonder who he thinks the Earth was formed.

  3. Blast. That was "how" he thinks the Earth was formed. Sorry I was in kind of a hurry.

    Are you going to see the Twilight movie?

  4. That is the greatest story ever! I love kids... they really do say the darndest things! I sure do miss you... Chelsee thinks you are so great. I totally agree :) Hope things are going well!
