Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How much is a can worth?!

Boy in my class, looking at the back of a book, near the UPC code:
"Hum...teacher, that's interesting. If you pay for the book with money, it costs $3.99. But if you pay for it with cans it costs $4.99. Isn't that weird?"

Me, trying to not laugh: "Oh, actually, it costs $3.99 in the United States...and $4.99 in Canada, it just says CAN to abbreviate."

Him: "OH!" Look of embarrassment on his face.


  1. LOL, I guess my country can be a bit confusing... Sorry about that!!

  2. that is funny. I guess that I never realized that one could confuse that with actual cans.

    You must get a good laugh in at school everyday. What a fun job you have.
