Saturday, September 3, 2011

Servers = Superhuman?

Can we all agree that humans make mistakes? Regardless of occupation, gender, age, intentions.

I get that the very term "server" implies that this person serves customers, a waiter/waitress waits on a customer. But, I've been a bit disgruntled lately about the expectations set on servers. While we really do try our best to serve customers well (it's in our best interest to do so, after all), sometimes things happen beyond our control. Mistakes are made.

Example #1: The other day at Cafe Sabor, the patio was beginning to slow down. So our manager cut one of the servers and rearranged the sections. Within this time, a new table was sat....and their server didn't see them. Servers were confused about old/new sections, miscommunication happened....somehow they were not helped. This was only known when the customers stormed to the front of the restaurant saying/yelling to the manager something along the lines of "This is bullsh*t. Your service sucks and I'm never coming back..............." The calm manager calmly replied that he's sorry for what happened (although he still doesn't know what has happened at this point), and that he'd be happy to help resolve it. The man replies (while yelling) that he's been completely ignored for 10 minutes and he's leaving. Again, the manager says that he'd like a chance to make this right. To which the man storms out, yelling more.

REALLY?! That's really mature. Now, I'm not saying being ignored is ok, at all. Definitely not how we want things to go at Sabor.

BUT....It's also not worth storming around, yelling and swearing at people.

I can assure you, if this man had just stopped any worker, or even the manager, and said, "Hey, we've been here a while and no one has helped us. Can you send our server over?" The server would be horrified and embarrassed, but would have apologized profusely...given them great service, and probably free meals. Problem solved, everyone is happy.

So my point is this: Since servers (and anyone in the service industry, really), are in fact human, and therefore make about a little realistic understanding so the problem can be resolved in a mature way.


  1. It just goes to show that some people feel just feel entitled- that they deserve better treatment than someone else. People who are jerks are just going to act like jerks.

  2. I worked at Best Buy for 3 years and we'd have similar, random things happen with customers that would leave me shaking my head. A simple question asked or talking to ANY of the workers there would have been SO simple, but for some reason, people would rather be dramatic than sensible....
