My class is working on ecosytem murals. Each group was assigned an ecosystem to study, research, and teach the other groups about. They've really enjoyed it..and it's gone mostly well. They teamwork concept is a continual struggle. Developmentally, they're still very into rigid turns and complete fairness....which can cause a rift quickly!
One group has assigned "jobs" to each group member. They have a little guy who struggles with behavior. In a peacemaking (and smart!) move, they made him the "Supplies Leader". He is in charge of gathering supplies, sharpening pencils, organizing supplies, etc. It's been a good move for all involved! He loves the responsibility, and they love the prepared supplies.
One group has assigned "jobs" to each group member. They have a little guy who struggles with behavior. In a peacemaking (and smart!) move, they made him the "Supplies Leader". He is in charge of gathering supplies, sharpening pencils, organizing supplies, etc. It's been a good move for all involved! He loves the responsibility, and they love the prepared supplies.
So...on Friday, they were working on their murals. I looked over to see the "Supplies Leader" at the sink. He was running water over a wad of paper. I asked what he was doing and he replied, "I don't know....but my group said we needed it..."
I asked another student in the group what he was supposed to be getting.
"Liquid paper."
I asked another student in the group what he was supposed to be getting.
"Liquid paper."
Wah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!