Thursday, December 3, 2009

We're writing autobiographies in I was modeling how to do the pre-write about the "baby" page....

Me: "When I was born I just had some frizzy blonde hair..."

Back of the room: "Like it is now?"

I'll be breaking out the deep conditioner and straightener...


  1. I love this kind of stuff! Yesterday my kids were saying they saw a mouse in the room. Do I even bother to look? Why would I? Well... after school I open up my closet and BAM! A mouse ran across the shelf right in front of my face. So I told them about it this morning, and one said, "Should've listened to us. We already TOLD you we saw a mouse." I love it!

  2. That is really funny. Um I don't know that they really see your hair for what it is, I mean don't you think that they should be complimenting you on making it to school on time, or leaving Will for them. just kidding, but I think that they say some of the funniest things that I have ever heard.
