Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Uh oh....

In my class we have a "bathroom monitor" to make sure all goes well with hand-washing, not playing, etc. in the restroom.

Today, the monitor from the boys' restroom came out and reported that one little guy was humming loudly.

I pulled him aside and said, "The monitor said that you were humming in the restroom."

Him... obviously horrified: "I was NOT! I was NOT doing that."

Me: "Ok, go ahead and get back in line."

He got back in line with a disgusted look on his face, looked at his friend and said, "Mrs. Cox said I was humping in the bathroom."


Me: "No no no! HuMMing, humming, humming!"



  1. Haha! I've missed your school stories.

    Where are some more Will pics? I'm having shoe withdrawl. hee hee

  2. Oh my goodness. I didn't know it was a crime to hum in the bathroom, but that is so funny that he thought that you said humping. Do you ever have a straight face when you are at school. If I were you I would be laughing all the time.

  3. What's even worse is when they are actually humping in the classroom. Has happened twice. Luckily once was to the floor, and the other a chair.
