Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bachelor Week 1

  • The drama begins!
  • Sean's got the vnecks already
  • Shirtless pic...took about 4 seconds for the first one
  • And...second shirtless
  • Remember the awkward love speech last season
  • We all want Emily's sequined skirt
  • Remember the joke Sean's family played
  • ...and I totally fell for
  • Look at them putting the kids in the hammock...pulling at the heartstrings
  • And another vneck
  • Oh there just happens to be a wedding on the beach
  • Oh good, Arie has a mini vneck too
  • I feel like this pep talk will be awkward...
  • I can never decide if Arie is cute
  • Oh no. Do they really practice this, "Will you accept this rose?" 
  • Maybe after a few beers...
  • Do boys really do this?! The practice breaking up?
  • "That's not what you said in the fantasy suite last night..." ha!
  • Oh he is NOT going to give kissing tips...
  • Arie was such an intense kisser...
  • Desiree- I bet she gets asked about her husband/BF at work ALL THE TIME
  • Tierra- looks emotional
  • Robyn- she practiced that heart move
  • Diana- What salon does she own in Salt Lake?! 
  • Sarah- Seems cool....but maybe has too high of expectations of the show? 
  • Ashley P.- "I have no idea why I'm still single!" Followed by the cats comment. And 50 Shades obsession....and "I hope Sean rips off my clothes and spanks me!" YIKES.
  • Lesley M.- Pretty. I think he'll dig her. 
  • Kristy- "The best from the midwest!" Ew. I think she's into her trainer. 
  • Ashlee F.- "I'm obsessed with being organized." I think that would stress most guys out. Ivie has a genius observation...she's obsessed with the organization because she likes the control. 
  • Jackie- The kisser
  • Selma- Ew.
  • Leslie- A poker dealer!
  • Daniela- A handshake...no.
  • Kelly- Cruise ship entertainer?! And a song. 
  • Enough with the gimicks
  • Katie- no yoga
  • 50 Shades is creeeepy
  • Taryn- looks nervous....we think he likes her
  • Catherine- exotic...he's into her
  • Robyn....why would you think that is a good idea?! Why? Ivie: "First of all, let me show you my crotch!" AGH
  • Paige...Jumbotron operator...Bachleor Pad Superfan!!!! 
  • Tierra-is he about to give her the first impression rose?!!?
  • Eeeeek...I like this!
  • Put a target on her! Those girls are MAD.
  • Amanda- What is a "Fit Model"...the awkward pause is...AWKWARD. Ivie and Cynthia: "I can't even watch!"
  • Ivie: "Could he just cut her right now? This isn't going to work!"
  • Maryann- kinda masculine
  • Cynthia: "Why do all the blondes look bad?" They really are orangey.
  • We like Desiree.
  • He's really  into saying, "I look forward to seeing you inside..." to ALL of them
  • Football girl.... ha, "She's fun."
  • Kristy- Weird hair
  • Ashley M.- A fashion model. For mermaids.
  • Lauren- Brought the dad message
  • Wedding dress. Lindsay. That was a bad idea.
  • Ways to NOT get a rose: "My dad said he'll break your legs." "I've got balls!" Show up in a wedding dress. 
  • Who's the mystery girl?!?!
  • KACIE B! 
  • Why isn't it fair
  • No screaming
  • Not so sure on the middle of Kacie's dress
  • I think he's into her
  • She has crazy buff legs
  • "I work at a bridal salon." No pressure!
  • I like her
  • Look at all those GLARES!
  • "This is a game changer!" 
  • Selma....hum......
  • How many roses is this?!
  • "I wish I was more sober right now!" 
  • Cynthia: "Oh, I cannot even watch this."
  • "Do we need me to start dancing?" No.
  • "She just needs a lot of water!"
  • Sean: "I also brought a rape whistle.."
  • "That girl's a trip...she is a LOT to take in!"
  • "50 Shades of Grey may have become 50 shades of drunk!"
  • Cynthia: "I don't think it's good to give out the roses as we go along. Because people start crying and they can't leave!" 
  • Cynthia: "Has it ever been this awkward?!"
  • And we found the crier.
  • I loathe the expression, "at the end of the day"
  • And she's said it twice. 
  • But I admire how she's handling the arm topic.
  • Whew. Glad Kacie was in there.
  • Poor Paige. 
  • Oh the DRAMA! LOVE IT!
  • Can't even wait. 
  • Even the rose petals fell, you guys!


  1. - I don't remember which one was from Denver, but when they were doing her intro all I could see were the earrings that were as big as her head. Oy!

    - Five Ashleys? Right? It'll be interesting if the show keeps going to see the Ashleys disappear and the Emmas and Sophias and Olivias start showing up.

    - I totally lost track of who stayed and who didn't. Did Lacey get a rose? I'm rooting for her at the moment for obvious reasons. :-)

  2. UMMMM....I'm a little sad that you did not mention my name?!? :(
