Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What a Morning!

So...we left for work about 7:20 this morning, driving along to W's child care. He grabbed the iPad and was playing "Where's My Water?" I suddenly could hear liquid in the first thought was that the game has really awesome sound effects! Ha....Will was throwing up EVERYWHERE! Poor thing. He started crying and saying, "I need a wipe!"
We pulled over and cleaned up a little...then headed into my classroom for some quick sub plans. Poor Will sat in a chair, crying and saying, "I just need some help cleaning up, mom!"
Once we got home, had a bath, washed the car/car seat/clothes/EVERYTHING....W started eating and says he's all better now. He pigged out on corn, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, beef jerky, and applesauce....isn't that just the grossest combination?

When he got dressed he said, "I'll wear something that will make me better!" and chose his "I love Nana" shirt! He's beginning to work the system, "Mom, I need that cereal. It makes me better."
Let's hope this is short lived....I'll be cleaning my car...That SMELL! Ew.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy... and poor MOM!! I hope it's just a short-lived thing. :) I sure miss you at Book Club.
