So...RJ and I are in disagreement about whether it is ok to put Will to bed with a bottle. I maintain that the liquid pools and is bad for his teeth (even ones that aren't in yet). RJ disagrees.
So...we called my mom for clarification. Because, duh, moms know everything and also because my mom happens to work at a dental office. She verified my point exactly. Even when RJ said, "They're just baby teeth!" The dentist, who was in the background, explained that the infection can spread down into the bone, thus affecting the adult teeth to come.
So there!
Which led me to ask my mom what I should be doing for Will's teeth now,
aside from NOT put him to bed with a bottle ;).
And look what came in the mail soon after....
Will's first toothbrush!
And a few other little goodies too!

He liked the glasses....but not so much on his face!
Thinking hard about that toothpaste...
He has it mastered already....if we could only just turn the brush around!
I tried to help get the brush IN his mouth, but he cringed!
I don't think he likes the way it feels...
he gave me a face sort of like the lime face...
So...we called my mom for clarification. Because, duh, moms know everything and also because my mom happens to work at a dental office. She verified my point exactly. Even when RJ said, "They're just baby teeth!" The dentist, who was in the background, explained that the infection can spread down into the bone, thus affecting the adult teeth to come.
So there!
Which led me to ask my mom what I should be doing for Will's teeth now,
aside from NOT put him to bed with a bottle ;).
And look what came in the mail soon after....
Will's first toothbrush!
And a few other little goodies too!
I tried to help get the brush IN his mouth, but he cringed!
I don't think he likes the way it feels...
he gave me a face sort of like the lime face...
My friend would nurse her first baby to put her to sleep and then put her down for the night. She did this for almost two years. When her baby's teeth came in she had so many cavities. The dentist came to the conclusion it was because of the nursing right before sleeping. While there is nothing wrong with feeding the baby to put to sleep it is important to wipe their gums and teeth before putting them down. Plus giving them a bottle in the crib makes it that much harder to take it away when they're too old for it. And I'm sure Will will get used to the toothbrush. It was my kids' favorite toy.