Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bed Routine

After W's bathe and teeth brushing, we're off to say prayers. If you haven't heard a toddler pray lately, find yourself one (in a non-creepy way!) and listen in on that prayer...will melt your heart. He's very thorough that all arms are folded and eyes closed...even Mr. Monk. He's also thorough that everyone from both sides of the family is included. Sometimes we show our gratitude to other items as well...a few weeks back we were grateful to have alligators and baby chicks. Last week we blessed the couch. And last night we blessed pizza! Anyway-sweetest little thing!

Then we have to say goodnight at the door, so that Will can close his own door (you see this raging independence streak). We do knuckles, 5, slide, love, and kiss. Then he closes the door. But...just last night he discovered he could still talk to me before I walk away. So right as the door closed.... "Mama?" "Yes?" "Mama, what are you doin'?"
"Oh just getting ready for bed, what are you doing?"
"Oh just getting ready for bed, too!"
"Well goodnight!"
"Goodnight mama! Sweet dreams! Have a good day soon!" (I think that was supposed to be a mixture of have a good day and see you soon...still cute mixed!)

So sweet! He's speaking in sentences a lot more, and is able to articulate what he's thinking. Yesterday we were driving around town and he said, "Mama? Go to the bank, the park, and the chicken place. Sound like a good plant mama?"
Loved that he has started to think sequentially like that, and that plant = plan!

Love this kid!!!!

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I have a feeling that my blog posts are going to be little gems from Will for quite a while...

In church yesterday, there was a picture of Jesus blessing children. The teachers were talking about the picture and one girl said, "Yeah, my daddy gives me blessings!" Another said that her dad helps her say prayers. Another said her dad reads scriptures to the family...you can see where this is going.... Will says, "My dad watches movies!"


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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Yesterday, I told Will we were going to go on a walk.

"Bring my baby sister?"

Me: "Your baby sister?"

W: "Yeah. I bring her?"

Um....maybe Will knows something I don't? We don't have any announcements though...!

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Fruit Pizza

Me: "Will, we're going to make a fruit pizza. It's a giant sugar cookie, with fruit on top!"

Will: "No, mama, I don't want the fruit...just the BIG cookie!"

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Friday, June 15, 2012


Will's starting to say really funny things....

He can usually count accurately, but sometimes it's more like, "5,7,9,20!"
Tonight, his Grandpa was helping him count correctly.
As Grandpa finished counting, Will said, "You did it!"...as if Greg was practicing for his own benefit!

Then he put a hanger on his head and roared at his cousin Morgan. He quickly moved the hanger and said, "It just me!" As if she couldn't tell...

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

June Goal....Yikes!

Ok, first of all, I've become a horrible blogger! May was a whirlwind of school craziness. I had a bit of an epiphany....As RJ finished up school, I knew it would be so fun to have the same schedule. Especially once our kids are in school, we'll all have the same days off of school/work. Something I failed to take into consideration is that when we're busy and stressed out about work...we both are. I think in a lot of marriages, one or the other has a busy, hectic schedule and the other can kinda pick up the slack at home, with kids, etc. This year, and especially May, was a bit of an eye opener (in a good way!) that our stressful times will need some accommodating! Which is fine, we're just learning how to best navigate the craziness!

SO...although I haven't even blogged EASTER yet....Here I go with my next monthly goal! May's goal was to clear off my school desk daily. It went...mostly well. Toward the end (again, the craziness!), things just got....crazy! But overall, it was ok.

My June goal? Well...I'm nervous! RJ's sister, Amy, has convinced me (conned me? ;) ) into running the Blacksmith Fork Freedom Run on July 4. It's a 15k (9.3 miles). So...June's goal is to be ready! I've been following my strict training regimen that my hardcore trainer (AMY!) has given me, and so far...all is well! Let me tell you though, I do not care one little bit about my time...as long as I'm not the very last runner. I just want to finish to be able to say I did it! One of those life goals that if I don't do it now, when will I? So...here goes!

And...um....runners out there? I'll take all the advice I can get. Training strategies? Clothing? Shoes? Energy goop? Day of the race? Etc. (Liz? Marcus? I'm looking at you....!)