Thursday, July 22, 2010


You should have seen Sara and me trying to get a decent picture of these three...whew. Alas, not any super great ones...but here are some cute ones. Excuse the abundance of pictures...this is one of those documenting-it-for-myself-and-family-not-really-interesting-to-anyone-else type of posts!

I like how Will and Avery are just staring at Carter while he freaks out!

Finally some smiles!

Carter looks so cute in this one...
Will looks stunned...

Avery looks so sweet!
Carter was putting his arm around Avery...Mouths open pose!

Love these three!

1 comment:

  1. I love these pics! They are better than the Easter ones:) Maybe by Christmas we will be able to get some really good ones with them all being a bit older!
